Thursday 24 April 2014

Q3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback: Animatic

In the photo below, it evidently shows what the member of my target audience thought of the film. We didn't inform her of the storyline or the genre. This was effective because we were able to understand whether our audience understood the storyline or not. Although there were individual captions on the photos, we tried not to make the storyline too clear thus ensuring that our audience would understand what our desired storyline was. As the member of my target audience provided us with the information of what she didn't enjoy, we were able to utilise her important view which helped us significantly in changing our ending. Instead of having the story of my protagonist leaving home illustrated vaguely, we changed the ending so it would be easier for the audience to comprehend, thus moving them emotionally when they learn of the protagonists suffering.

Audience feedback 1:

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Audio recording software >> Audience feedback 3:
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Audience Feedback: Film
We received feedback on our film which helped us significantly. A member of my target audience, Adam, who is an independent film maker, provided me with feedback which has helped me considerably in improving my film. He states that "if there is a change in costume it would be easier to grasp that there has been a passing in time".  After reading the negatives, I evaluated alternative ways regarding reshooting the scene where "child 1" approaches my protagonist and gifts her with confectionary and the signature prop which represents the protagonist- the snowglobe. Shima and I have decided to schedule a reshoot of the scene with a change in costume for the second character thus indicating a pass in time which will make it clearer for my target audience to understand.

Audience Feedback: First Poster Attempt

I received feedback about my poster from two members of my target audience who described how I could improve it.
Making the headline clearer: My headline in my first attempt was drastically ineffective in attracting the audience. This is evident through the simple font and colour used. Although I included ellipsis for effect, the headline was plain and failed to grab the attention of my target audience.
Adding the age certificate: Adding the age certificate is one of the most significant parts of a film poster. Without it, the audience is unaware of the rating and wouldn't be interested if it didn't inform them whether or not they could watch the film. My target audience is young people who are aged 12-18. I rated my film "12" in order to appeal to a wider audience as well as raise awareness of cancer among young people.
Adding the names of the directors/ actors: It is important to add the names of those involved in creating the film. Many hollywood film posters include the directors and actors/ actresses, especially those which have bankable actors in them, such as "Matt Damon"who starred in "Monuments Men". Although my film is an independent British short film and the actors aren't well known, it is important to add the names of the actors and directors so the audience is aware of who the characters are portrayed by and who created the film.
CARTOONS- My target audience suggested that I use realistic photos to make it appealing to my suggested audience because cartoons are most likely and commonly associated with children and wouldn't attract young people. 
RELEASE DATE- There is no information on my initial poster regarding when the film will appear in the cinema thus it doesn't successfully attract the audience because they aren't able to acknowledge when and where they can watch the film.

Updated, New Poster

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