Sunday 16 February 2014

Film Script draft


Characters:  Homeless child and child 1

Scene 1

Location: Heron Quays DLR Station

WRLY: Establishing shot- The DLR approaches the platform and when the doors slide open, a child around the age of 11 exits the train. She looks lost and peers around, searching for a safe haven. She has a large wooden box on her, a small globe and carries a small rucksack. The camera follows her on her journey to find a place to live and after 2 minutes she finds a large park, filled with grass, trees and a playground. A tracking shot will show the fence of the park and the sign which says “Sir John McDougal Gardens” so the audience know where she is residing. She walks into the park and looks around. A close up shot shows her slight relief behind the sorrow and sadness on her face that she has found a place to stay. A wide shot shows her walking to an isolated and desolate place and setting down her box. She crawls inside and begins to weep.

Scene 2

Location: The scene is of the park and there are children/ families playing in the playground. Next there is a close up shot of the box.

WRLY: Child 1 is eating a packet of crisps and sees the box. A wide shot will be used to show her telling her mother that she’s going to look at what it is. A tracking shot shows her cautiously approaching the box. She peers inside and gasps after seeing the Homeless Child looking frail, dishevelled and dehydrated.

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