Thursday 16 January 2014

Trailers- Film Education: Teaching Trailer 5

The use of sound in film trailers has successfully developed over the years. Various sounds including diegetic and non diegetic sounds are used to intrigue and attract the audience. Sounds have developed and layers have increased, enabling multiple sounds to be used and played in unison. Casablanca (1942) only has two layers of sound and the use of voice overs is evident in this film because it was used to illustrate the storyline of the film.
However, in the trailer of Bourne Ultimatum, there are many sounds which are collaborated and put together including sound effects such as car crashes and gun shots. This clearly emphasizes how sound has developed and changed over the years.

File:The Bourne Ultimatum (2007 film poster).jpg

Voice overs are conventional and have been used in many films. They are used to illustrate the storyline thus make it easier for the audience to understand and to intrigue them. They have been used in films in the past and contemporary films. For example Paths of Glory (1957), Casablanca (1942) and Are We Done Yet (2007) and Elizabeth (2007). Voice overs are popular because they attract the audience through story telling.


Monday 13 January 2014

Camera Angles

The photos were taken by both myself and Shima

Establishing shot

Long shot

Low Angle shot

High Angle shot

Over the shoulder shot

Saturday 4 January 2014

Filming Schedule

This schedule was written by both Shima and I, and was created by Shima.